What Happened in Your Accident? Cycling Accident Lawyers in Ottawa Want You to Know


What Your Accident Lawyers in Ottawa Want You to Know About Cyclist Accidents

Cycling is a wonderful way to get around Ottawa and also keep yourself active. Although Ottawa is a bike-friendly city, there is still the possibility of having an accident. If you’ve suffered a cycling accident, the personal injury lawyers at QTMG in Ottawa are prepared to help you navigate this difficult time. Our experience with representing individuals injured in bicycle accidents can be instrumental in achieving the best outcome for your case. If you need guidance in dealing with your cyclist accident in Ottawa, read below. 

What to Do If You’re in a Cycling Accident 

There are a variety of ways an accident can happen to a cyclist on the road, from drivers using bike lanes to failing to stop for cyclists. These accidents can result in physical and emotional trauma with a long recovery ahead. If you’ve suffered a cycling accident, our accident lawyers in Ottawa recommend these steps. 

  1. Hospitalization – Have your injuries evaluated by a doctor. An injury may seem small but could prove to be a concern in the future. 
  2. Report – File a police report and notify your insurance provider of the accident as soon as possible. 
  3. Record – Keep a record of everything that happened, including personal information, vehicle information, witness statements, and event details. Ex: weather, traffic conditions, and time of day. 
  4. Photograph – Take pictures of everything: the damages to your property, your injuries, the vehicle, and the area of the accident. 
  5. Contact – Contact our personal injury law firm, QTMG, in Ottawa to advise you on your next steps and have our experts evaluate your cycling accident injuries. 

Originally Posted on QTMG



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