Can I sue my landlord if I slip and fall in my rental property?

 A residential landlord may be liable to you, your family, and your guests for any injury sustained on the residential complex including injuries caused by a slip and fall in an Ottawa rental property. It is important to note that liability is not automatic and a landlord is not an insurer or guarantor of your safety or that of your family and guests.  However, if the reason for the fall or injury arises from a landlord’s failure to properly maintain the property then the landlord may indeed by liable to anyone who is hurt on the property. 

Who can be held responsible if I slip and fall in my rental property?

Landlords can be held responsible if neglect causes a slip and fall injury 

A landlord of a rental property is not protected from being sued or being liable for injuries sustained by a tenant, family of the tenant, or guests of the tenant(s), simply because the tenant is in possession of the rental unit. Residential leases will sometimes contain clauses or terms that appear to limit or attempt to insulate the landlord against liability for injuries on the rental property. However, such clauses are unlikely to shield a landlord from liability (wholly or partially even). In the residential tenancies context, a landlord cannot waive or transfer responsibility for the condition of a rental unit to a tenant or otherwise shift legal liability to a tenant through lease clauses. This is because the Residential Tenancies Act limits or makes void such clauses as being contrary to the requirements of the Residential Tenancies Act. 

Read more in details, Who can be sued after a slip and fall injury in Ottawa


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